Monday, December 6, 2010

Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy...

That is definitely how I feel these days. I am going on day #3 of being completely sore. All from a less than a 20 minute workout a day. I have fallen into a love/ hate relationship with Lindsay Brin who creates these painful workouts. She is annoyingly perfect and I suspect that many people felt that way about her in high school. She is also from St. Louis so part of me feels like I have to be loyal to her. I tried her 8 minute workout and it seems effective in targeting my abs (sadly, the results are not as immediate as I would like... though I've only done it twice). My mom insists that it is a healthy ache. To me, it's a painful ache. Period. Lots of lunges, push-ups, planks, with cardio thrown in between each one minute set. To be honest, I couldn't tell you how long her downloadable workout is because I have never made it through an entire one- either because I was physically unable to peel myself off of the floor to continue or because Silas would wake up- to the latter, I often said, "Thank you, Lord!" Now don't get me wrong, I love a sleeping, quiet baby as much as any other new mom, but in this case, it was the lesser of two evils... I should note the evil I am referring to is the crying, not the baby himself... that would just be plain mean. Once or twice, Silas has laid on the couch watching me. I believe that if he could laugh, he would... hysterically. Eventually, he will learn to laugh, and when he does laugh at my attempts to keep up with Lindsay, I will make him feel incredibly guilty for what he has put my body through. Fair is fair. So I awkwardly try to follow along, sometimes shouting at her and calling her names. She goes through 10 1 minute exercises and suggests some cardio in between. I laugh when she says "only 20 more seconds"... she would be disappointed to know that I gave it my all for about 30 seconds and then collapsed on the floor and am just watching the workout, sometimes while eating a chocolate chip cookie. Somehow, even just watching it makes me feel healthier. If only mind over matter would work in this case. My guess is not...

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