Monday, February 28, 2011

Meds, meds, and more meds...

So this where being a parent gets really fun. On Friday evening, we managed to have perhaps our first ever enjoyable meal out since having Hanna. Not that I am blaming our unpleasant dining experiences solely on her, but she is three, an age where, apparently, sitting down and eating a meal from start to finish in a restaurant is not something she is capable of doing without at least spilling something, needing to go to the bathroom (sometimes multiple times), whining, possibly choking, drooling... yes, family outings to restaurants with us are always a dramatic event, one from which we almost always return from with an utmost feeling of fatigue and frustration. As I write this, I am wondering if this is why we aren't invited out much... perhaps so. Who wants to dine with tired and irritable parents on a Friday night? Or any night of the week for that matter. However, this time was different. Dave and I came home and smiled, feeling as if we had somehow reached this milestone in our family history... or future, at least till Silas hits that age. Even he was just content in his car seat, soaking in all the sights and smells of the Mexican restaurant. I swear I heard him tell me later that night that he too enjoyed the fajitas, but it possible that that was me talking to myself deliriously during the 3 am feed. However, the bliss didn't endure for long. On Saturday, Hanna woke up feeling warm. By early afternoon, her fever was up to 103 degrees, she was lethargic and had taken two naps on the couch, something that, if you know Hanna, indicates severe illness since she fights naps even in her bed and hasn't sat on a couch continuously for more than 3 minutes. We tylenoled her on and off to control her fever, hoping that it would be a 24 hour thing that would pass. By Monday, she was still running a fever so Dave stayed home with her and took her to the doctor's. The doctor said her throat was red but nothing serious that wouldn't heal itself with time. In the meantime, I spent most of the morning researching Nasonex and came to find out that lots of parents commented that the drug had some really undesirable side effects on kids- two of which were fevers and sore throats. I worked myself up into a panic wondering whether I had poisoned my child with Nasonex. Funny, when you see the talking bee commercial on TV, fever, sore throats, mood swings, tamtrums, etc. don't enter the picture, at least not for the bee... who in my mind sounds like Antonio Banderas... does that help market the drug? I insisted that Dave raise this with the pediatrician when he take her... whether it could be side effects... not whether or not Antonio does the voice for the bee...When I picked Silas up from the babysitter's, she mentioned he was feeling warm and by that afternoon, he too had a fever of 103. By evening, he was a mess... his eyes had purple rings around them and were glassy looking. He struggled to nurse, as if it took every last ounce of energy he had (I imagine that even normally, having to work that hard for a meal is tiring). So back to the doctor's we go. Hanna, Silas, and I. He was listless while Hanna seemed to be fever free and energetic. Turns out both kids had strep... not surprising since I was diagnosed with strep the week before. I went to the doctor the Friday before last for mastitis (another thing nursing moms shouldn't have to endure... it is hard enough with adding anything extra!) only to find out that I had strep AND mastitis. Doctor's orders: take antibiotics and nurse as often as possible. The poor kid was doomed from the get-go! Ella prides herself on the fact that she is the only healthy one in the family. I think she is anti-social. Silas, Hanna, and I were all on our antibiotics. In addition, Hanna had a rash that needed a neosporin/ A&D ointment mix, she needed her nasal mist and nasonex treatments nightly, Silas had cradle cap that required a neosporin/ hydro-cortisone mix, and I was on my meds. At some point, I spilled Silas' amoxycillin all over the floor and when I called the doctor to get it refilled, I realized that I had given him Hanna's amoxycillin (different concentration) instead of his! The nurse did a great job of not making me feel like a complete idiot, but I am sure it was hard for her. "Really, lady? You gave your 5 month old your 4 year old's medicine???" I desperately wanted to give her the background information- that I too had been sick and was having a hard time keeping up with all the meds that had to be administered to different family members. I wanted to make sure she knew that I wasn't a flakey, laid-back medicine giving mom who didn't care about which kid got what. But she efficiently took my information and the call was over before I knew it. So that was that, and I will forever be glared at by the nurses at the front desk who will view me as "that lady". I wonder if they shared stories at lunch that day... "guess what guys? I had this lady call for more antibiotics after she "dropped" the bottle on the floor..." They probably went on to envision me in some corner of my dining room downing amoxycillin while my kids are crying from their ailments, being deprived of their medicine. OK, so I am tad paranoid and tend to overreact slightly. On this occasion, I have an easy out. I will blame the meds. Next time... I'll blame it on the nightmares of being chased around my house by the Hispanic Nasonex bee... yes, I have actually had that one!

(This post was started on 15th of February... it certainly has taken me awhile! The next post is coming soon... and believe me... it only gets better!!!)

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